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Leticia Black

Leticia Black

Model: Stable Diffusion 3.0


Photograph, Unsplash contest winner, hyper-realistic, a wet country road, a little boy walking his bike. the distant background is flooded, huge, billowy storm clouds in the skies
Width: 1024
Height: 1024
Steps: 25

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Prompt: acid rain
Prompt:  Scene 1:

A person stands on a path, looking discouraged. Dark storm clouds loom overhead, and the path ahead is unclear. Signs along the path say "Short-Term Setback" and "Frustration." The person carries a heavy weight on their back labeled "Focus on Short-Term Results."
Scene 2:

The person looks up and sees a faint light in the distance. They take a deep breath and start walking towards the light. The storm clouds begin to part, revealing a clear blue sky with a few wispy clouds.
Scene 3:

As the person walks, the path becomes brighter and more defined. Signs now say "Small Win" and "Learning Opportunity." The weight on their back lightens and transforms into a backpack labeled "Growth Mindset."
Scene 4:

The person reaches the source of the light, which is a large, healthy tree with strong roots. The tree represents the Long-Term Vision. Birds chirp and butterflies flutter around the tree. A sign on the tree says "Long-Term Benefit." The person looks ahead and sees a clear path leading towards a bright horizon. They smile with newfound determination.
Prompt: The Last Picture on earth.
Prompt: La imagen muestra un paisaje oscuro y tormentoso, donde nubes grises y amenazantes cubren el cielo. En el centro de la imagen, hay una figura solitaria que representa la persona que enfrenta la tormenta emocional descrita en la canción. Esta figura está de pie, con la cabeza inclinada hacia abajo y los hombros encorvados, mostrando su carga emocional. Sus manos están apretadas con fuerza, simbolizando la lucha interna contra la ansiedad y el autodesprecio.

Alrededor de la figura, hay elementos que representan la tormenta emocional, como lluvia torrencial y relámpagos que iluminan el cielo oscuro. Sin embargo, en el horizonte, se vislumbra una tenue luz de esperanza, simbolizando la posibilidad de superar la adversidad y encontrar paz interior.
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Prompt: Landscape Photograph with a wide Kansas field, empty road, and an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, dramatic light, glowing white, top of clouds. LeicaM3, high resolution, intricate details, detailed vegetation, NikonD6, ISO 1600,
Prompt: I am the storm that is aproaching
Prompt: The fitful alternations of the rain,
When the chill wind, languid as with pain
Of its own heavy moisture, here and there
Drives through the gray and beamless atmosphere.