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Nicholas Marazoff

Nicholas Marazoff

Made by: Ultimate Upscale
Mode: Creative upscale (legacy&SFW)
Width: 4192
Height: 2368
Seed: 288798536
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Prompt: In the grand court’s heart,
Regal Queen in love’s attire,
Crimson soldiers’ zeal.

Hearts interwoven,
Threads of gold in passion’s dance,
Majesty adorned.

Crown of opulence,
Heart-cut jewels’ iridescence,
Radiant her gaze.

Scepter in her hand,
Symbol of strength, tender might,
Light of presence gleams.

Diamond brooch so bright,
Love’s essence captured in stone,
Timeless splendor glows.

Queen’s gaze melts the steel,
Heart beats thunderous command,
Troops march, fierce and true.

In chaos, she stands,
Sovereign of war’s fierce dance,
Power, grace, combined.

Blades meet enemy,
Crimson tempest tears through lines,
Victory’s embrace.

Queen’s call echoes wide,
Men’s loyalty unyielding,
Foes tremble in fear.

Thus the Queen commands,
Ferocity unmatched reigns,
Battlefield supreme.

In the quietude post bellum's tempest,  
The Queen of Hearts surveys desolation’s crest,  
Her gaze steadfast, spirit undeterred,  
A sovereign of might, in valor preferred.  

Amidst the fallen, foes and warriors alike,  
She stands illumined, the battle’s spike,  
Her heart a bastion, her will resilient,  
Adversity bowed to a queen so brilliant.  

Soldiers convene, loyalty absolute,  
Their queen’s command, faith resolute,  
Victory's embrace unites their hearts,  
Courage aflame, valor imparts.  

As twilight falls on the sanguine ground,  
The Queen of Hearts, her presence profound,  
Power and grace in her essence twined,  
Post-battle calm, her legacy defined.  

Thus, the Queen of Hearts endures,  
Her reign unchallenged, her spirit assures,  
A ruler of hearts in conflict and peace,  
Her kingdom secure, her sovereignty's lease.
Prompt: HD 4k 3D 8k professional modeling photo hyper realistic beautiful woman Superhero Snow White Princess ethereal greek goddess gorgeous face full body surrounded by ambient glow, cosmic, enchanted, magical, detailed, highly realistic woman, high fantasy background, elegant, mythical, surreal lighting, majestic, goddesslike aura, Annie Leibovitz style
Prompt: In a realm where the cards held court and battles unfolded upon the velvet battlefield, there stood the Queen of Hearts, a regal figure with a turbulent spirit that ignited fervor in her loyal subjects – her men, the mighty soldiers of her crimson domain.
With a gaze that could melt steel and a heart that beat thunder into the very ground they tread, she commanded her troops like a tempest unleashed, each man an embodiment of her unyielding will. As the clash of swords and the thunder of footsteps filled the air, the Queen's call to arms echoed across the lands, stirring her men into a frenzy of unwavering loyalty.
Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, her men rushed forth, their movements a symphony of controlled chaos. With hearts blazing like infernos, they tore through the enemy lines, their actions swift and merciless. Eyes met their merciless blades as they surged forward, a whirlwind of crimson and steel, gouging out the very essence of opposition before them.
And there, at the heart of the tumultuous storm she had summoned, the Queen of Hearts stood, a vision of sovereignty and power, orchestrating the brutal ballet of war with a grace that belied the chaos around her. Her presence was both feared and revered, a beacon of unwavering resolve that fueled her men's frenzy and struck dread into the hearts of her foes.
In that moment, as the clash of arms and the cries of battle filled the air, the Queen of Hearts reigned supreme, a sovereign of unparalleled ferocity and indomitable spirit, leading her men to victory amidst the carnage and chaos of the battlefield.
Prompt: tarot card Anime illustration, detailed ornate cloth robe, dramatic lighting, HD 4k 3D 8k professional modeling photo hyper realistic beautiful woman enchanted, Oz Sorceress Princess Harmony, Harmony has brown eyes and hair like her father, magical ability allows them to create or enable anything they envision while playing music, full body surrounded by ambient glow, magical, highly detailed, intricate, outdoor  landscape, high fantasy background, elegant, mythical, surreal lighting, majestic, goddesslike aura, Annie Leibovitz style
Prompt: HD 4k 3D 8k professional modeling photo hyper realistic beautiful woman Creole Cinderella style Princess ethereal greek goddess gorgeous face full body surrounded by ambient glow, enchanted, magical, detailed, highly realistic woman, high fantasy background, old New Orleans, elegant, mythical, surreal lighting, majestic, goddesslike aura, Annie Leibovitz style
Prompt: HD 4k 3D 8k professional modeling photo hyper realistic beautiful woman Superhero Snow White Princess ethereal greek goddess gorgeous face full body surrounded by ambient glow, enchanted, magical, detailed, highly realistic woman, high fantasy background, elegant, mythical, surreal lighting, majestic, goddesslike aura, Annie Leibovitz style
Prompt: HD 4k 3D 8k professional modeling photo hyper realistic beautiful woman enchanted fairy tale Princess of Frell, ethereal greek goddess, full body surrounded by ambient glow, enchanted, magical, highly detailed, intricate, coronation ball, highly realistic woman, high fantasy background, happily ever after, elegant, mythical, surreal lighting, majestic, goddesslike aura, Annie Leibovitz style