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another Chosen1 (aC1)

another Chosen1 (aC1)


<mymodel>luminous male figure seated cross-legged, eyes closed in deep contemplation, shimmering transcendent aura, messy blue spiked hair, piercing steely blue eyes blazing with radiant sacred geometry mandalas, flowing emerald & violet hues robes shifting like cosmic tides, ethereal crystalline antler crown adorned with archetypal symbols, swirling kaleidoscopic vortex of hieroglyphs runes sigils from every tradition, luminescent orb overhead refracting full spectral rays, ceremonial dagger with incantation inscribed blade, crystal skull cradled in hands with hollow vision burning sockets, shimmering undulating boundaries between realms dissolving, gazing into mythopoeic dreamscape of creation's grand unfolding narratives --ar 16:9 --q 2 --s 750
<mymodel>luminous male figure seated cross-legg... [more]
Model: 8f287c94-e6eb-43b0-a787-64bb42d4f8d1
Width: 1024Height: 1024
Scale: 15Steps: 40
Seed: 1708291644

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