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Model: OpenArt SDXL
Width: 1024Height: 1024
Scale: 7Steps: 25
Sampler: Seed: 400102404

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Prompt: Create an image of an investor in a startup
Prompt: I want some pictures for our website. We are a business development company specialising in the area of operations. We help improve companies operational capacity in order to scale. Firstly we map all the organisations processes, looking at the efficiency of the process itself, the people completing the process and the technology used. Secondly we design and management system to incorporate all the changes that came about as a result of the first elements we also develop data analysis based on all the days only have collected. I wish to generate some pictures that can be used to illustrate this. I want pictures to show process mapping process and the creation of a management system
Prompt: masterpiece, best quality,Diverse Office Conference Room Meeting: Successful Indians with Male & Female Executive Directors Presents e-Commerce Fintech Growth Statistics to a Group of Investors. Whiteboard with Big Data Analysis,detailed facial features
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Prompt: There are various self-employed jobs In 2022 that you’ll love, considering the fact that there are many most profitable businesses that one can venture into in the world. It’s no secret that the economy is changing, and with it, the way we earn a living. From freelancing to starting your own business, …

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Prompt: An image of a person at a desk with a laptop, calculator, and financial documents, creating a budget chart on the screen
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Prompt: A split-screen animation: on one side, a team struggling with traditional content creation methods; on the other, Prompt Engineers swiftly generating high-quality content using AI, saving time and costs.
Prompt: Create an image of a person with the following conditions:
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2) Sitting on a table with scattered papers showing sales graph 
3) The person is a female wearing an office attire
4) Tight shot with a home office background.
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