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tree morphing into a lovecraftian creature, horror, alien squid hybrid, dark eyes, sea of bones, polymorph, 4k, sharp focus, studio photo, intricate details, highly detailed, overgrown post apocalyptic, bones scattered on the ground
tree morphing into a lovecraftian creature, hor... [more]
Model: majicMIX realistic
Width: 768Height: 768
Scale: 3Steps: 100
Sampler: Seed: 367087304
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Prompt: A dark and haunting digital painting representing the theme "Why should I wake when I'm half past dead?" with a surreal dreamscape of twisted trees and glowing eyes in the shadows, evoking feelings of uncertainty and the allure of the unknown.
Prompt: a lovecraftian creature rising out of the swamp, horror, alien squid hybrid,  polymorph, 4k, sharp focus, studio photo, intricate details, highly detailed, graveyard
Prompt: Scary Forest, Horror, Blood, Killer Stalking, Sinister, dynamic lighting, Photorealistic, Fil, Quality, Movie Production, Neuron, Greg Rutkowski, WLOP, bokeh, Hyperdetailed, intricate details, Hyperealistic, 8K resolution, #film, twilight, thunderstorm, Monster, Gustave Doré, Frightening
Prompt: Tree with branches in shape of skull in valhalla battlefield with blood rain, horror, cosmic, gothic, style of vibrant digital art
Prompt: fantasy, lovecraftian creature, horror, alien squid hybrid, dark eyes, polymorph, 4k, sharp focus, studio photo, intricate details, highly detailed,  ground scattered bones, overgrown post apocalyptic, bones scattered on the ground
Prompt: A dark and haunting digital painting representing the theme "Why should I wake when I'm half past dead?" with a surreal dreamscape of twisted trees and glowing eyes in the shadows, evoking feelings of uncertainty and the allure of the unknown.
Prompt: fantasy, lovecraftian creature, horror, alien squid hybrid, dark eyes, polymorph, 4k, sharp focus, studio photo, intricate details, highly detailed, by clint langley,, overgrown post apocalyptic,
Prompt: Eerie, surreal painting of a haunting forest, twisted and gnarled trees, moonlit night, misty atmosphere, ominous shadows, high contrast, dark and desaturated colors, gothic art style, moonlight piercing through the branches, best quality, highres, detailed, misc-macabre, eerie, surreal, haunting, gothic, moonlit, misty atmosphere, high contrast, dark colors, desaturated, twisted trees, ominous shadows
Prompt: Tree made of skull in valhalla battlefield with blood rain, horror, cosmic, gothic, style of vibrant digital art
Prompt: a dark landscape of horrific images from a nightmarish hallucination or a bad drug trip, dante hell, fear, very dark, misshapen creatures, bodies, parts, bones, blood, riven flesh, realistic, hdr udr
Prompt: the bones of a lovecraftian creature, horror, alien squid hybrid, dark eyes, sea of bones, polymorph, 4k, sharp focus, studio photo, intricate details, highly detailed, overgrown post apocalyptic, bones scattered on the ground
Prompt: cosmic tree of life, Epic, cinematic, brilliant, stunning, intricate meticulously detailed, dramatic, atmospheric, maximalist digital matte painting
Prompt: (La mejor calidad,4k,8k,Altas Resoluciones,Obra maestra:1.2),Ultra detallado,realista,fotorrealista:1.37,montruo maldito,condenado,hombre maldito,Sello maldito siniestro,Bosque maldito oscuro,Tatuajes malditos detallados,aterradora magia maldita,Hombre maldito,horribles marcas malditas,inquietantes hechizos malditos,ominous atmosphere,Niebla densa,natural  lighting,elementos sobrenaturales,Entorno nocturno,Sombras misteriosas,spooky atmosphere,criaturas sobrenaturales,Ominous tree branches,hojas marchitas,Ambiente embrujado,realidad distorsionada,Dark and gloomy colors,Grim figures,Enchanted spirits,aura terrible,Evocative composition,presencia amenazante,Ungodly rituals,Paisajes macabros,Paisaje embrujado,Hechizos malvados,Gloomy and desolate atmosphere,vivid pictures,Premonitory energy,Simbolismo de pesadilla,gothic art style,Fusion of horror and fantasy,Experiencia de otro mundo,emociones intensas,Rituales para romper maldiciones,Almas desamparadas.
Prompt: Dark, twisted & surreal Art
Prompt: dark spooky magical forest, gnarled trees, dungeons and dragons, award winning, artstation, fantasy art, stylized,
Prompt: (La mejor calidad,4k,8k,Altas Resoluciones,Obra maestra:1.2),Ultra detallado,realista,fotorrealista:1.37,montruo maldito,condenado,hombre maldito,Sello maldito siniestro,Bosque maldito oscuro,Tatuajes malditos detallados,aterradora magia maldita,Hombre maldito,horribles marcas malditas,inquietantes hechizos malditos,ominous atmosphere,Niebla densa,natural  lighting,elementos sobrenaturales,Entorno nocturno,Sombras misteriosas,spooky atmosphere,criaturas sobrenaturales,Ominous tree branches,hojas marchitas,Ambiente embrujado,realidad distorsionada,Dark and gloomy colors,Grim figures,Enchanted spirits,aura terrible,Evocative composition,presencia amenazante,Ungodly rituals,Paisajes macabros,Paisaje embrujado,Hechizos malvados,Gloomy and desolate atmosphere,vivid pictures,Premonitory energy,Simbolismo de pesadilla,gothic art style,Fusion of horror and fantasy,Experiencia de otro mundo,emociones intensas,Rituales para romper maldiciones,Almas desamparadas.
Prompt: Terrifying image of an Demonic Entity,  Scary,  horrific, terrifying, fear inducing, dangerous, mean, evil, vileperfect composition, hyperrealistic, super detailed, 8k, high quality, trending art, trending on artstation, sharp focus, studio photo, intricate details, highly detailed
Prompt: fantasy setting, a medieval castle with walls resembling an ancient tree with deep roots, HD, hdr, dark setting, wet graphite, 4k, hyper-realistic, photo realistic
Prompt: Nightmare of a perturbed soul                                 
A landscape that symbolizing nightmare of a perturbed soul, schizophrenia, manipulation, horror movie pallete, dark environment, evil creatures, rain, sad, angry, 8k, hi resolution.   In style of Alberto Seveso, Susan Kare, Albrecht Dürer, Chris Dyer, Robert Crumb, Ndebele motifs. Smooth charcoal and hard pencil. Old film grain, tetradic colors,  rust style, vantablack aura, golden ratio, rule of thirds, cinematic lighting Dark.