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Steven M. Tilley

Steven M. Tilley

Width: 1168Height: 1219

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Prompt: A fantasy creature, It has the power to control time, It appears as an ancient deity, spoken of in legend, It's said that time began moving when this creature was born, It is said that time flows when this creatures heart beats. This creature completely controls the flow of time, It uses its power to travel at will through the past and future.
Prompt:  Create a UHD, 64K professional oil painting,As the Aurora crept forward, the crew's spirits began to wane. The cold and isolation took their toll, and hope seemed as distant as the stars. Then, one day, something extraordinary happened.

A strange creature appeared from the fog-like mist that clung to the ice belt. It was unlike anything the crew had ever seen—a majestic, bird-like alien with wings that shimmered with iridescent colors. It glided gracefully through the void, moving effortlessly among the ice asteroids.
Prompt: Prompt 6
NC 1.0, sampling method DDIM, overall prompt weight 45%, refiner weight 24%, default negative ON
a bird sobs in mortal grief > by photographer "3D fluid moldavite sardonyx painting" > really the bird just wants to fly > by speculative photographer "flying glass bird" > over the ruinous fraught > by artist "3D fluid agate landscape forest" > among the storming clouds > by sculptural designer "surface energy" > and we to go on as before > by abstract photographic sculptor "crepuscular pyroelectricity" 3D AF
Prompt: Bird-like humanoids with large, feathered wings, keen eyesight, maintaining crystals on the Floating Isles, expanding islands, mystical atmosphere, high quality, detailed feathers, fantasy, vibrant colors, magical crystal manipulation, ethereal lighting, floating islands, majestic, mythical creatures, detailed eyes, professional, atmospheric lighting, but the size of birdlike humanoids is 100 times smaller than the size of the land and the land is has diversity of flaura and faune with stunning medium size mountains and riversides, the birdlike humanoids are standing or flying over the land, the land should be in the middle of the scenery
Prompt: A Stormwing from the earlier concept could have a majestic and formidable appearance, reflecting its affiliation with storms and elemental power. Here's a description of what a Stormwing might look like:

The Stormwing is a dragon of imposing stature, with sleek, obsidian scales that shimmer with a faint electric blue hue, reminiscent of lightning dancing across a darkened sky. Its muscular physique exudes strength and agility, perfectly adapted for navigating through turbulent winds and tempestuous weather.

Large, powerful wings stretch out from its broad shoulders, each membrane adorned with intricate patterns that resemble swirling storm clouds. Crackling arcs of electricity occasionally leap between the wingtips, leaving a trail of sparks in its wake.

Its eyes gleam with an intense brilliance, glowing with the ferocity of a thunderstorm. Sharp, angular horns protrude from its head, adding to its imposing visage, while a row of razor-sharp spines runs down its spine, crackling with latent energy.

As it moves, the Stormwing emits a low rumble, akin to distant thunder, and its movements are swift and graceful, like a bolt of lightning streaking across the sky. With each beat of its wings, gusts of wind and rain swirl around it, emphasizing its mastery over the elements.

Overall, the Stormwing cuts an impressive figure, embodying the raw power and untamed beauty of the storm itself.
Prompt: Meet Zephyr, the enigmatic wanderer of the skies. With shimmering azure wings that span the breadth of the horizon, Zephyr soars through the heavens with grace and agility unmatched. His eyes, as deep and endless as the vast expanse of the atmosphere, hold secrets of the ancient winds and whispers of distant lands. Though seldom seen by mortal eyes, Zephyr's presence is felt in the gentle caress of a breeze and the playful dance of leaves carried aloft. He roams the skies in search of forgotten realms and undiscovered wonders, a solitary sentinel of the boundless skies.