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Nicholas Marazoff

Nicholas Marazoff

Subject description:

Anthropomorphic Biomechanical form Sentient feline Steampunkesque advanced Technological blasters...Show more
Made by: Sketch to image
Subject Description: Anthropomorphic Biomechanical form Sentient feline Steampunkesque advanced Technological blasters Blunderbuss flash Dynamically multidisciplinary Kata Motions pure Nocturnal descent Into umbriferous depths Tenebrosity Phantasmic mists rise Brass apparitions ignite Luciferous glow Jester of ages In phosphorescent twilight Aether whispers gold Diaphanous light Effulgent twilight’s embrace apocalyptic Coppered heavens loom Mechanical cherubim In obfuscant skies
Style: RPG
Color Theme: Light Cyan
Width: 512
Height: 512
Seed: 1953466996
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Prompt: **Dracoequinis' Gaze:**
Refined visage glows,  
Arabian grace with steel,  
Eyes of fire and depth.
**Alpha's Radiance:**
Wise leaders, they glow,  
Pack and herd in harmony,  
Ethereal reign.
**Games of the Mind:**
Playful, cunning beasts,  
Phosphorescent trails they weave,  
Mind and muscle test.
**Guardians' Deceit:**
Observing humans,  
Guardians, tricksters alike,  
Ethereal jest.
**Muscles of Fable:**
Lean frame, strength of gods,  
Fur and scales in bronze array,  
Flexed in moonlit dance.
**Wings of Phantoms:**
Dragon wings unfurled,  
Gossamer threads shimmer bright,  
Blue and coffee hues.
**Lessons in the Light:**
Harmony through trials taught,  
Wisdom in their glow.