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Anton Pieck, Elsa Beskow, Surreal, mysterious, bizarre, fantastical, fantasy, Sci-fi, Japanese anime, cooking, sundials, insects, the birth of life from space, evolution, nuclear power, artificial intelligence, miniskirt beautiful girl who sees eternity in stone, perfect voluminous body, detailed masterpiece
Anton Pieck, Elsa Beskow, Surreal, mysterious,... [more]

Negative prompt

lowres, error, cropped, worst quality, low quality, jpeg artifacts, out of frame, watermark, signature, deformed, ugly, mutilated, disfigured, text, extra limbs, face cut, head cut, extra fingers, extra arms, poorly drawn face, mutation, bad proportions, cropped head, malformed limbs, mutated hands, fused fingers, long neck
lowres, error, cropped, worst quality, low qual... [more]
Model: OpenArt SDXL
Width: 1024Height: 1024
Scale: 7Steps: 25
Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE KarrasSeed: 666016425
More images like this
a painting of a woman sewing on a table 
Sitting in front of a sewing machine،With flowers in a vase, impressionism, thick oil painting style,In impasto painting, artists apply thick layers of paint to their canvases to produce a heavy texture that makes brush strokes and knife strokes more visible.
Prompt: {surreal art by (MICHAEL PARKES) }  
{(one (woman)) {(bluish gray eyes) (round face) (red lipstick) (cat's eye (glasses))} (blondish-brown (fishtail braid)}
{(witch robes)}
{drinking tea}
{(high desert)(stone wall)(haint blue door)(large glass windows)}
Prompt: Walther Caspari, Gertrud Caspari, Bernhard Oberdieck, Surrealism, wonder, strange, bizarre, fantasy, Sci-fi, Japanese anime, utopia of miniskirt beautiful girls, perfect voluminous body, cats, tea parties, tarot, house under construction, detailed masterpiece perspectives extreme angles
Prompt: Anton Pieck, Elsa Beskow, Surreal, mysterious, bizarre, fantastical, fantasy, Sci-fi, Japanese anime, cooking, sundials, insects, the birth of life from space, evolution, nuclear power, artificial intelligence, miniskirt beautiful girl who sees eternity in stone, perfect voluminous body, detailed masterpiece
Prompt: woman baking bread in a kitchen,hand-colored vintage circa 20th century, soft vintage muted colors, Norman Rockwell-Style,full body
Prompt: (painting), Leonardo da Vinci as chef, wearing white, chef hat,  busy kitchen, masterpiece, intricate detail, by Leonardo da Vinci
Prompt: 1 cat  in an apron working in a store, cuttung fish, 1880,  fat orslim, Europe, Asia, mansion, vibrant, glow,  romantic, hystorical, intricate details, hyperdetailed, 4k, painting, trending on artstation
Prompt: Victorian painting of a maid sitting in a kitchen sleeping. Her head is rested on an open book on the table. She is wearing a black linen dress with an apron and her blond hair in a chignon. Apparent brush strokes. We can see onions on a table.
Prompt: 1 cat  in an apron working in a store, cuttung fish, 1880,  fat orslim, Europe, Asia, mansion, vibrant, glow,  romantic, hystorical, intricate details, hyperdetailed, 4k, painting, trending on artstation