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joe cole

joe cole

Made by: Stock image transformer
Similarity: Creative
Model: SG161222/Realistic_Vision_V5.1_noVAE
Width: 768Height: 432
Seed: 1633454491

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Prompt: ROYGBIV gradient background
Prompt: Create a background with peach fuzz color, Use abstract style. angular gradients. This will be used as a background for a design day event poster.
Prompt: cyber purple orange blue gradient background, thrilled,
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Prompt: cyan, blue, violet, pink background gradient
Prompt: For the background gradient of the "Dream Big, Work Hard, Stay Focused" desk mat design, you might consider using a gradient that transitions from calming and soothing colors to vibrant and energetic ones. Here's a suggested color palette for the background gradient:

Top Color (Calming):
Use soft and calming colors for the top of the gradient. Consider pastel shades that evoke a sense of tranquility and positivity. Examples include light blues, soft pinks, and pale lavender.
Middle Color (Transition):
Choose a color that acts as a smooth transition between the calming top and the vibrant bottom. This color should bridge the gap and harmonize the gradient. A gentle, muted gray or light beige could work well.
Bottom Color (Energetic):
For the bottom of the gradient, opt for vibrant and energetic colors that signify motivation and determination. You can use bold colors like bright oranges, deep blues, or vibrant greens.
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