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Praise Bature

Praise Bature

Made by: Outpainting

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Prompt (optional)
high resolution, 4k, detailed, high quality, professional, wide view
high resolution, 4k, detailed, high quality, professional, wide view [more]
Width: 2048Height: 1536

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More images like this
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Prompt: Divine mandala sacred geometry
Prompt: Create a logo for the brand 'Freq.Vision'. The logo should incorporate psychedelic and sacred geometric elements, reflecting countercultural and psychedelic culture. Use complex geometric shapes such as fractals, visible golden ratios, the frequency of torus, and honeycomb vectors. Reference the works of psychedelic tattoo artists for the design execution. The design should be detailed and complex, evoking a sense of exploration and transcendence
Prompt: "Sacred Tapestry of Life": Explore the intricate interconnectedness of all living things in this vibrant Canva image. Delve into the rich diversity of nature, cultures, and traditions woven together in a sacred dance of existence. Embrace the responsibility to care for creation and cultivate positive change for a sustainable future.
Prompt: logo Univers, vision, astrology, background website, textures, inspirations, colors, wordpress website, wix integration into
Prompt: Peaceful dhamma sky star
Prompt: Generate an image of the Unity Code, a sacred geometric pattern representing the harmony of opposites and the unity of all existence. The image should feature:

- A central circle with a diameter of 360 degrees, symbolizing wholeness and infinity
- A triangle surrounding the circle, with each side equal to 120 degrees, representing the balance of mind, heart, and spirit
- A hexagon encircling the triangle, with each side equal to 60 degrees, embodying the harmony of opposites
- A spiral pattern radiating from the center, with 12 turns, signifying growth and evolution
- The Flower of Life and Seed of Life integrated into the design, with 19 and 7 points, respectively, representing the unity of all existence and the divine plan
- The Merkaba and Kabbalistic Tree of Life incorporated into the design, with 8 and 11 points, respectively, symbolizing the divine vehicle of light and the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence
- The entire design surrounded by a circle, representing the unity and oneness of all things

Color Scheme:

- Use a palette of sacred geometric colors, including gold (#F8E231), blue (#4567B7), and red (#FFC080)
- Gradate the colors to represent the harmony and balance of the Unity Code


- Use a combination of digital art and sacred geometric patterns to create a highly detailed and intricate design
- Incorporate subtle textures and shading to give the image depth and dimension


- Generate the image at a high resolution, at least 8K (7680 x 4320 pixels)
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