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Radoslav Fabián

Radoslav Fabián

Made by: Outpainting

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high resolution, 4k, detailed, high quality, professional, wide view
high resolution, 4k, detailed, high quality, professional, wide view [more]
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Prompt: create a photo with the follow:
Foreground of a green flat land filled with photovoltaic panels and  the side a deep see with offshore  windmills platforms. There must be rays of sun piercing through the dark clouds expressing hope
Prompt: Sustainable city,solar energy.
Prompt: placas solares
Scene 1: Building Integrated Sandwich Roof with Black Solar Panels

A large, flat commercial building stands under a bright sun. The roof of this building is unlike traditional flat roofs; it's composed of sleek, dark, black solar panels which glisten slightly in the sunlight.

In a section of the roof, a cutaway reveals the layers or 'sandwich' structure. From top to bottom, the layers are:

Protective outer layer that is translucent, allowing sunlight to pass.
The actual black solar panels capturing the sunlight.
Insulation and other roofing materials to protect the building.
Around the building, there are a few trees, providing context for its urban setting. The sky above is clear blue with a few scattered clouds, highlighting the effectiveness of solar energy on a sunny day
Prompt: solar installation image suitable for a footer
Prompt: sea of solar panels