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Model: DALLĀ·E 2


Width: 1024
Height: 1024

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Prompt: Tiny wizard with a hat
toy, standing
character, soft smooth
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Prompt: Elderly cartoon character, happy and smiling with thumb up, 3D design, light background, successful human concept
Prompt: Tiny wizard with a hat
toy, standing
character, soft smooth
lighting, soft pastel
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3d blender render,
polycount, modular
constructivism, pop
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Prompt: Create a detailed 3D model of a small, rotund, dwarf -like character with a potato-textured body the character should have a large, bushy moustache and a be dressed in rustic, tattered clothing including a floppy hat, the character should carry a small shovel and have leaves or plants growing from its bady suggesting a connection to nature the scene should, be set in a mystical forest with rich earthy tones and soft diffused lighting,