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Terry Gillum

Terry Gillum

Made by: Ultimate Upscale
Mode: Creative Upscale
Width: 2848
Height: 2848
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Prompt: <mymodel>Upon a decaying metal canvas, once a billboard in some forgotten urban sprawl, writhes a nightmarish fusion of flesh and machine. Bandages, no longer pristine white but a sickly, gangrenous blue klein, coil and writhe like mutated intestines. Jagged metallic protrusions pierce the decaying flesh, their surfaces etched with cryptic schematics in a language both alien and disturbingly familiar.  A single, glowing red eye, its iris a swirling vortex of biomechanical gears, stares out from the center of the tableau with an intensity that seems to pierce the veil between dimensions. Bengali text, the numeral "৯০" rendered in a dripping, viscous font that resembles melted chrome, crawls like a malevolent parasite across the metallic flesh.  The background is a chaotic symphony of decay. High-contrast greens and yellows depict a cityscape in the throes of some apocalyptic transformation. Crumbling skyscrapers, their surfaces pulsating with an unnatural light, pierce a sickly yellow sky. The overall effect is one of overwhelming dystopia, a monument to a world consumed by a technological plague.  The piece is a large-scale mural, a monstrous organism clinging to the side of a decaying building. Its intricate design is a horrifying blend of organic and mechanical elements, a testament to the twisted genius of its creator. Bold lines and a gritty texture emphasize the raw power and brutality of the image. This is not mere street art; it is a prophetic vision rendered in the viscera of a dying world.  The final, unsettling detail: the bandages. They are not simply bandages, but a nightmarish extension of the flesh itself. They writhe and pulsate, as if harboring some unseen life form beneath their decaying surface. The viewer is left with the horrifying implication that this is not just a machine, but a horrific new form of life, one that has transcended the boundaries between flesh and metal.