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Giuseppe Varrecchione

Giuseppe Varrecchione

Made by: Sketch to image
Style: Interior Design
Color Theme: Light Grey
Width: 768Height: 360
Seed: 540493158

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Prompt: Modern kitchen
Prompt: 3D, interior render, middle class apartment, cheap furniture,
Prompt: Create a high-quality 3D realistic render of a small minimalistic white kitchen with light wood cabinetry at the top and white cabinets at the bottom with 2 open shelves above the counter in the middle of the two cabinets. the open shelves are decorated with framed classical art and books. With vintage wall lights lighting the artwork on the shelf.  The kitchen has a window on its left side with modern white blinds. Directly opposite the window is a medium classical mirror hanging on the wall with a bunch of recipes sandblasted on it in white. There is a small black mobile kitchen Island in the middle of the kitchen with 2 modern island seats in wood. On top of the kitchen Island is a potted tree medium in size-big enough that it can make a statement but not overwhelmingly big to occupy a lot of space on the top of the Island. The floor tile is a beautiful Italian stone tile in a neutral tone.