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May Bethwrite

May Bethwrite


Fantasy illustration of a kind old woman and a dark-haired young girl with blue eyes and a chameleon sitting at a table with cinnamon rolls, an adobe cottage setting, warm magical lighting, detailed facial features, cozy and rustic, high quality, fantasy style, warm tones, detailed clothing, magical atmosphere, whimsical, detailed eyes, old-fashioned, charming, detailed ambiance, cottage interior, detailed characters, cozy setting, magical, warm lighting
Fantasy illustration of a kind old woman and a... [more]
Model: OpenArt SDXL
Width: 1024Height: 1024
Scale: 7Steps: 25
Sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE KarrasSeed: 636738515
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Prompt: Fantasy illustration of a kind old woman and a dark-haired young girl with blue eyes and a chameleon sitting at a table with cinnamon rolls, an adobe cottage setting, warm magical lighting, detailed facial features, cozy and rustic, high quality, fantasy style, warm tones, detailed clothing, magical atmosphere, whimsical, detailed eyes, old-fashioned, charming, detailed ambiance, cottage interior, detailed characters, cozy setting, magical, warm lighting
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Prompt: Fantasy illustration of a kind old woman and a dark-haired young girl with blue eyes and a chameleon talking at a table with cinnamon rolls, an adobe cottage setting, warm magical lighting, detailed facial features, cozy and rustic, high quality, fantasy style, warm tones, detailed clothing, magical atmosphere, whimsical, detailed eyes, old-fashioned, charming, detailed ambiance, cottage interior, detailed characters, cozy setting, magical, warm lighting
Prompt: Fantasy illustration of a kind old woman and a black-haired pale young woman with blue eyes and a chameleon sitting and talking at a table with cinnamon rolls, an adobe cottage setting, warm magical lighting, detailed facial features, cozy and rustic, high quality, fantasy style, warm tones, detailed clothing, magical atmosphere, whimsical, detailed eyes, old-fashioned, charming, detailed ambiance, cottage interior, detailed characters, cozy setting, magical, warm lighting
Prompt: Fantasy illustration of a kind old woman and a dark-haired young girl with blue eyes sitting at a table, adobe cottage setting, warm magical lighting, detailed facial features, cozy and rustic, high quality, fantasy style, warm tones, detailed clothing, magical atmosphere, whimsical, detailed eyes, old-fashioned, charming, detailed ambiance, cottage interior, detailed characters, cozy setting, cinnamon rolls, chameleon, magical, warm lighting
Prompt: Fantasy illustration of a kind old woman and a dark-haired young girl with blue eyes sitting at a table, adobe cottage setting, warm magical lighting, detailed facial features, cozy and rustic, high quality, fantasy style, warm tones, detailed clothing, magical atmosphere, whimsical, detailed eyes, old-fashioned, charming, detailed ambiance, cottage interior, detailed characters, cozy setting, cinnamon rolls, chameleon, magical, warm lighting
Prompt: Disney style farm girl with braids and a happy smile, vibrant colors, sunny
She pours coffee into a cup