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Chris Heap

Chris Heap

Made by: Outpainting

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high resolution, 4k, detailed, high quality, professional, wide view
high resolution, 4k, detailed, high quality, professional, wide view [more]
Width: 1536Height: 1024

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man with black sun glasses for blind people and piercing is
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Prompt: A programmer man with black hair and eyes, working with MacBook laptop and a monitor with laravel language
Prompt: Image features a sleek and clasig entrepreneur workplace environment, with a polished wooden desk adorned with a laptop, a middle age person thinking. A pair of hands are shown typing on the laptop. In the background, there's a large window overlooking abundance.
Prompt: person looking far and drinking coffee inside the office
Prompt: "Imagina una ilustración minimalista y altamente profesional que represente a un experto en ventas cerrando tratos con éxito. En el centro de la escena, la figura muestra confianza sosteniendo un elegante teléfono en la mano, participando en una videollamada que simula una conexión profesional. Frente a él, una notebook abierta y estratégicamente posicionada en el escritorio, resalta su dedicación y enfoque en cada conversación.

El escenario se complementa con una taza de café cuidadosamente colocada, simbolizando la persistencia y el trabajo constante que caracterizan a este profesional. El estilo visual es 3D, con líneas limpias y colores suaves que transmiten una sensación de modernidad y seriedad.

Este prompt busca capturar la esencia de un cerrador de ventas altamente competente, proyectando confianza, profesionalismo y compromiso, mientras se destaca la importancia de la tecnología y la atención meticulosa a cada detalle en el proceso de ventas."
Prompt: Create an image of a programmer working at their desk. The setting should be a modern, well-lit home office. The programmer is seated at a desk with a dual-monitor setup, displaying lines of code and a software development environment. They are focused, wearing casual attire—perhaps a hoodie and jeans—with headphones on. The desk is organized but shows signs of use, with a coffee mug, a notebook, and some tech gadgets (like a smartphone and external hard drive) scattered around. In the background, there’s a bookshelf with programming books, some potted plants, and a large window letting in natural light. The overall mood should be productive and tech-savvy.