
Create your first image

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Kamlesh Chauhan

Kamlesh Chauhan

Model: Other
Width: 528Height: 768
More images like this
Prompt: make a digital painting from image
Prompt:  Lily Aldridge  portrait, digital painting, dramatic colourful makeup, high fashion, intense gaze, realistic portrayal, vibrant colors, detailed features, highres, professional, dramatic, realistic, digital painting, intense gaze, vibrant colors, detailed features, high fashion, glamorous lighting
Prompt: beautiful woman running towards us, hourglass figure, toned abdomen, light hair, breathing hard, perfect detailed face,Odd-eye, glamour, wear rope, wet skin, soaking wet hair, hyperdetailed painting, luminism, art by Carne Griffiths and Wadim Kashin concept art, 4k resolution, fractal isometrics details bioluminescens, 3d render, octane render, intricately detailed , cinematic, trending on artstation Isometric Centered hypereallistic cover photo awesome full color, hand drawn, gritty, realistic mucha, intricate, hit definition, cinematic, Rough sketch, bold lines, on paper. frame whole body and face
Prompt: makeup art, liquid, holographic, masterpiece painting reflecting the pinterest aesthetic, beautiful woman, rosy cheeks, glistening skin, plump lips, velvety lipstick, fabulous artistic makeup, captivating gaze, hypnotizing eyes, elegant dress, magical realism, surrealism, lilac blue fuchsia white orange gold bright vivid gradient colors, golden ratio, portrait, full face, half body,  high contrast, highly detailed, crisp,
Prompt: Realistic photo, bird's eye view: A woman covered in paint, large detailed eyes, aurora background. Style: Sandra Chevrier.
Prompt: make a digital painting from image
Prompt: Vivid emotional turmoil, inner conflict, vulnerability, fear of rejection, trust issues, scars of betrayal, introspection, self-doubt, emotional resilience, personal growth, healing journey, delicate balance, raw emotions, shattered trust, self-reflection, self-forgiveness, intricate emotions, deep wounds, inner strength, fragile hope, poetic inspiration, digital art, expressive colors, dramatic lighting.