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Made by: Ultimate Upscale
Mode: Creative Upscale
Width: 4096Height: 4096
Seed: 42427405

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Prompt: Snow swirling, creating a gorgeous goddess made of ice with muscular physique, huge busom, and ridiculously long icy hair, minimalistic, sleek
Prompt: In the heart of the wintry landscape, the elven sorceress's figure embodies an elegant yet robust form, defined by a graceful curvature that hints at both strength and ethereal beauty. Her slender neck slopes down to shoulders adorned with delicate features, each curve complementing the next in a symphony of elven grace. The fabric of her silk ensemble drapes and contours over her figure, accentuating the gentle lines of her frame without overshadowing her natural poise.

Her countenance holds an otherworldly allure—the sculpted features of her face resonate with an ethereal quality. High cheekbones frame her visage, leading to a softly angled jawline that speaks of both determination and finesse. A slender nose sits centrally, an elegant bridge leading to full, yet perfectly proportioned, lips that bear the subtlest hint of a smile.

Her cerulean eyes, framed by dark lashes, hold a depth that seems to reflect the very essence of the wintry landscape. They possess a mesmerizing quality, an iridescent shimmer akin to frozen pools, revealing a wisdom that transcends time itself. Above these captivating orbs, arched brows add an air of mystique, perfectly framing her gaze.

The gradient of her hair, transitioning from a deep, rich blue at its roots to a pristine, glistening white, cascades in elegant waves down her back. Each strand seems to capture the essence of the winter season—fluid, yet frozen in time.

Her slender arms and hands, adorned with faint tracings of the same neon blue Viking runes, bear testament to a history steeped in ancient magic. Long, delicate fingers hold a natural grace, hinting at the finesse required to wield the intricate powers at her command.

This description aims to capture the intricate details of her face and body, highlighting the delicate yet powerful features that define her mystical presence amidst the wintry landscape.
Prompt: a warrior drag queen with defined biceps and icy blue eyes, ultra-muscular, hair flowing in the wind, in a frosty glacier setting, fierce fighting stance, cold and icy knuckles, and snowstorm ambiance, photographed in shades of frosty blues and whites, inspired by Frank Frazetta's style, combat scene, dynamic lighting.
Prompt: Generate an ultra high definition (8k) image of a stunning Ghost Woman walking through a forest, long silver hair blown by the wind, necromancer. The image should be a close-up, capturing her in motion in a low-cut outfit. The woman should be adorned with a large amount of jewelry with occult symbols, showing intricate and hyper-realistic details. The overall aesthetic of the image should be a mix of neo-futuristic glamor and dark, mystical elements. To emphasize the beauty and mystique of the woman, use edge lighting, moonlight, global neon lighting and other dark neon lighting techniques. Attention to symmetry is crucial to achieving a masterpiece, and the image must pay close attention to small details, macro details and ultra-detailed textures. Additionally, incorporate volumetric lighting for a sense of depth and realism. Realistic reflections on surfaces will improve the overall image quality. The end result should be incredible, with cinematic effects and an inner glow that adds to the mysterious atmosphere., Mysterious
Prompt: Snow swirling, creating a gorgeous Ice goddess with muscular physique, huge busom, and ridiculously long icy hair, minimalistic, sleek
Prompt: Female winter eladrin in leather armor, snowy hair and icy skin, enamel flower and vines in hair, druidic, fey, wild, highres, detailed, fantasy, winter tones, enchanted lighting, intricate details, nature-inspired, ethereal, mystical, ice, faerie, foliage
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